it breaks my heart...
It beaks my heart to know what you are going through. It hurts so bad to see the sorrow in your eyes. It hurts not being able to do anything to make you feel better, or at least ease the ache. I can feel the pain, as it runs through my soul. But I'm holding you tight, never let me go cause I'll be here for you forever and ever!
All my loving to you <3
One, two, three, fuck it

I'm bodylicious but you will NEVER have this madafakkaaasss!!! ;))))
Hell yeaaahhhh hooolyyyy shiiit baalls, man

Hello I wish I was little bit taller, I wish I was baller to call up my father, I.....

wäääää, så trött på slaskäckel-vädret, kan det inte bli sommar already?! juste, jag bor ju i Sverige...xD